Thursday, February 24, 2011

Googling all over the place

I did create a new Google doc, though I have used this before.  It has worked well for collaborative projects between people living in different places, and for group projects at work.  Rather than sending versions of files between each other, we can all just edit the same Google docs one.  Only trouble has been that sometimes more than one person wants to be editing at the same time...

I like that my Google account is useful for getting me into most of these 23  Things apps.  I feared that I'd have to set up 20 more new accounts and passwords to manage them all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Problem solving

Well, I often roll my eyes at my daughter's lack of problem solving capabilities.  But when it comes to technology I realize that I'm the same way.  One of the gadgets I've added to my iGoogle page plays horrible music and I don't know how to figure out which one it is, apart from deleting them one by one.  As I result I've just stopped going to the page altogether.  So I've caught the pot calling the kettle black I suppose.

Today I checked the 23 Things blog to see what this week's things were and realized that I'd already done one...adding the 23 Things blog to my iGoogle page. Yay! Now if only I wasn't scared off of using the iGoogle page by that darn dance music.

I've known about RSS feeds for ages but I've never subscribed to one until today.  Perhaps I'll be more intentional about watching for work-related ones now.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This could be dangerous

Until now the extent of my use of 2.0 technologies has been restricted mostly to facebook.  I'm not scared of technology, but I can generally get by without a lot of extras.  So I'm participating in the 23 Things program to push myself into new territory.  Though I'm pretty resistant to change (I'm usually a super-late adopter), I have to admit that I often like the results when I finally get there.  So, here I go.  My first blog is registered.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hamsters, horses and other hirsute things

The excitement about the iGoogle 'thing' spread throughout the house last week.  Both adults now have an iGoogle page and my daughter commandeered mine to add a bunch of horse gadgets.  My personal favourite was the hamster gadget.  I named him Jester.  My daughter named him Hammy.  I feed him regularly and I make him exercise too.  He's living the good life, I'd say.

As for hirsute, I leave you with these furry creatures: